Pan-Fried Brussels Sprouts

Dear Readers,


We have all been battling colds for the last few days – I am hoping that it is the last one of the season. Things have otherwise been busy as well – we are planning a short trip to NYC next week, just the older girls and me. We are really excited to explore together! They are such fun ages for a trip like this and we have been plotting our itinerary for a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.

I will be co-hosting a conference with my friend Dr. Nwando Olayiwola. She is incredible – a true inspiration. She has written a book about how to succeed as a Minority Woman Professional (MWP) and it is spot on – tips that come straight from her experiences and are explained with heart. She has a list of ten ingredients that are essential. One of the ingredients is “Bring Others Up”. I loved reading this part of the book because this is something that I see Nwando live in her everyday life: she is always looking for an opportunity to elevate others.

The conference is one in a series that has been created to help MWPs “survive and thrive”.

If you are interested in learning more, you can find the book here:

For more information about the conference:

Today for dinner, I made a simple pasta with spring vegetables. The brussels sprouts were a side – to get more veggies in. Brussels sprouts can be a bit bitter and I find that this method of cooking really brings out the flavor and gets rid of the bitterness because it allows for them to cook through. The red bell pepper provides a nice contrast in terms of color and flavor.



1 pound brussels sprouts (or 20-30)

1/2 red bell pepper (optional)

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon water

1 tablespoon butter

salt and pepper to taste


  1. Slice the brussels sprouts very thin (I get about 6-8 slices per sprout) – alternatively you can use a mandolin but I get nervous about slicing my finger off. Dice the bell pepper.
  2. Heat the olive oil until shimmering in a cast iron or nonstick skillet. Add the brussels sprouts and stir well to coat. Season with salt.
  3. Add the teaspoon of water and cook, covered, for about 1 min. When you remove the cover, the sprouts should be bright green in color.
  4. Sprinkle a generous amount of black pepper and stir. Add in the bell pepper if using. Cook uncovered, stirring frequently, until the sprouts start to brown and get a little crispy around the edges (2-4 minutes).
  5. Add in the butter, stir until coating the sprouts. Cook for another minute to incorporate the flavors. Sprinkle additional salt as needed.
  6. Enjoy!




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